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What We Believe

We are under the covenant of God. We teach in "spirit and truth" principles of salvation and sanctification. We believe that Jesus Christ was sent to redeem us from our sins; that He was born of a virgin mother, crucified, died on the cross, was buried, and resurrected on the third day. We serve a Living God and teach that He is soon to come! Therefore, our only purpose is to serve, praise the LORD, witness and win souls for Christ.

Mission Statement

"Preach good tidings unto the meek; bind up the brokenhearted, proclaim liberty to the captives, and open the prison to them that are bound." [Isaiah 61:1]

Our ministry has been commissioned to serve in Venton, a rural community of Somerset County. Ultimately, our goal is to be a beacon of light for citizens of all ages who are in need of spiritual restoration. East-Side Missions Temple of God Ministries is under the Divine Order of God to bring healing and alternatives for rebuilding vitality and quality of life in a community that was without a local Church for more than 20 years.

We are committed to providing evangelism through:

  • Street ministry/witnessing

  • Intercessory prayer

  • Pastoral counseling

  • Ongoing discipleship training


  • Somerset Ministerial Alliance

  • Catholic Charities

  • Ministries with the common goal for unity in the Body of Christ for Kingdom building that souls may be saved

- Dr. Joni Kindell
Apostle In The Will of God


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