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Writer's pictureLorena Harper


The Divine Order of God is beckoning us to pay attention to what is happening all around us, in America and abroad. The LORD is speaking, but is anyone listening to the loud outcry for people to get back to honoring Him with reverence?

Now in a time of solitude for many, I pray that people will re-examine themselves and seek The LORD to discover their purpose. For so long, Americans have been misguided about their existence and slowly lost sight of what is important. God comes first and then our families, but somehow, people found themselves caught into the American dream of a picture painted that captivated their souls. The easier times of life when everyone went to Church on Sundays because businesses were closed, time spent at the dinner table with family to enjoy one another, and being a good neighbor, working normal hours Monday through Friday; some on Saturdays has been gone for more than 30 years.

The years in the 20th century started bringing people together to live in harmony and although there were some challenges between the races, there was still continuity in the families, especially within the Black communities. I remember the times as early as the 1960s when there were numerous African-American owned businesses, more job opportunities that thrived by the 1980s and into the 1990s; then a shift came about. This shift caused people to chase after more things, larger houses, fancy cars, jobs that required working more than 40 hours per week, working on Sundays, and everything open to distract people from Church.

At some point during these times, mega Churches sprung up in multiple states, television and internet Evangelism became icons for many people and instead of going to Church; they substituted people they could see and listen to as their pastors. What has been going on gradually over the past 50 years? We are the generation who will experience hardships parallel to those in ancient I often say, "history has a way of repeating itself." I have been led to re-read Jeremiah and some of the other prophetic books in The Old Testament and while reading the scriptures; I see much of what happened in those ancient times is happening now; unfolding in the written pages within The Holy Bible.

We must wake up and become aware of the war that is going on between good and evil, Heaven and Earth, God and the devil. There are consequences to pay for disobedience and when the majority of Clergy compromised the values and structure of God's Divine Order by adhering to changes and adapting to man's laws for The order of Churches; then we all became vulnerable to what is happening now. Some of what we are experiencing now with coronavirus, dictatorships, closed Churches and schools, a collapse in financial stability, shortages in medical supplies and items we have grown accustomed to obtaining (i.e. food, toilet paper, hand sanitizer, cleaning supplies, etc.), and many other sudden changes is the result of backslidden nations. Please read Jeremiah 10 and Revelation: Chapters 18 through 21 at your leisure and we certainly have a lot of time these days since most of us are staying close to home.

The Lord is trying to get our attention, He had mine before these catastrophes occurred, what about you?

There is always Good News in The Holy Bible. I leave you with a scripture below to bring hope that we must hold on tightly to our Faith in Jesus Christ and not get drawn into the eye of the storm within the world systems.

"The world and its desires pass away, but the man who does the will of God lives forever."

[I John 2:17: Thompson Chain-Reference Bible: New International Version]

God Bless you Always. Apostle Joni A. Kindell

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