I encourage you to take some time out to be in a quiet place within yourself when you are pondering and seeking answers for decision-making. When bombarded by noise, obligations, and ordinary life situations; there is little time to find a moment of peace just to be still in the quietness to hear from The LORD. The times we are living in necessitates time to shut off the constant pace of moving and taking in an overage of information that can cause emotional upheavals. Be not concerned, nor fearful of the stormy days you may be facing or from those that may come later. Remember what JESUS told the disciples when they feared drowning from the waves that came into the boat with them. "Why are you afraid? You have so little faith." JESUS "rebuked the wind and waves and suddenly all was calm." [Matthew 8:26 N.L.T.] The LORD is with us in every "trial" that we face and He is concerned about us and everything that we have need of; He will intercede on our behalf when we go to Him in prayer.
"Be still and know that I am God..."[Psalm 46:10]

After praying, we must stay still to listen to what the Spirit is speaking for guidance. The help comes in many forms; however, faith, patience, knowledge, and wisdom are spiritual compartments to pull from to understand the instructions and directions that we are given to proceed. Sometimes as information is shared with others, their opinions come up; may we take care in sharing with those who will pray with us for answers from The LORD. Caution: Wait on the LORD and make sure that you hear His voice because when He is involved, there is no confusion. The LORD will restore our peace because He is Jehovah Shalom. He sees and hears when we are in distress. Therefore, He will settle our rocky tides of life. Hold onto the All Powerful Savior, JESUS CHRIST for He is our "refuge" and He will "deliver from evil" [Matthew 6:13].
I pray that you will find time to "be still" and rest in "the spirit" as you call on "The Prince of Peace."
Love-in-Christ, Apostle Joni A. Kindell
Relevant Scriptures for today's encouragement: Exodus 14, 2 Chronicles 20, Psalm 46, and Matthew 8.