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Writer's pictureApostle Kindell


I was thinking about the wearing of scars that are not always visible. So many people are walking around scarred on the inside because of past hurts from their childhood or other personal interactions. The words, reactions, and names that people are called can cause internal scars that never heal. I reflected on "Jabez" found in I Chronicles 4:9-10; his "mother had him in sorrow" and his name resulted from the pain that she experienced in childbirth. However, Jabez didn't allow the meaning of his name to stand in the way of how he conducted himself. We don't know a lot about him, but the "Jabez Prayer" came out of how he is depicted in The BIBLE and the words he spoke to God. Jabez born with a name that means "pain" was more "honorable" than his brothers and his prayer is one that we should get back to praying, as well as, The LORD's prayer. I have read these two verses several times over the years and I have all the mini books on this particular prayer, but I became focused on the last few words after he asked to be kept from evil..."that it may not grieve me!" We can only imagine how life may have been for him and he was asking that he no longer has to be a product of his name to be grieved by pain and suffering. How often do we feel disenchanted and disliked for no reason at all. Yet, we serve a GOD who understands that pain and He sees our scars even the ones no one can see because they are heartache pains, headache pains, back pains, and sometimes there is just unexplained sadness. I have discerned many people who are burdened down so much that the pain is obvious in their eyes, in their footsteps, and in their overall demeanor. In this life, many situations seem unfair, but we have to experience some trials and tribulations that cannot be avoided. These are growing pains and pressing pains that The LORD will get the Glory when people witness a miracle before their eyes that those scars we carried around are gone. If there are visible scars; THE LORD has a way of making them unnoticeable. Thank The LORD when he mends those broken places in your life and give Him praise because He deserves all of the Glory.

I pray that you will consider praying the The Lord's Prayer and the Jabez Prayer to be delivered from evil and grief. Ask The LORD for what you need to get rid of those scars. Maybe you are still holding a grudge - time to find a way to confront the issue and talk it out. Unless we share how we perceive a painful situation, no one knows but you; and the other person has moved on thinking everything is fine. Take every visible and invisible scar to the LORD and give it to Him to wipe away every pain from the inside out.

JESUS took the scars for us to free us from the pains of sin and although we have days that seem unbearable, remember that the stripes that JESUS took was with you in mind. He was brought to grief, pain, and suffering that we would be delivered. "and with his stripes we are healed." [Isaiah 53:5]

Additional scriptures: Genesis 29; I Samuel Chapters 1 through 3; and Jeremiah 18:18-23.

May you have a Blessed week filled with joy and free from painful experiences. Be confident that the LORD will heal every scar. Love-in-Christ, Apostle Joni A. Kindell

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