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Writer's pictureApostle Kindell

Uplifting Women: Happy Mother's Day!

As women, we carry on the legacies of those who came before us. We have an opportunity to build new memories to be carried on by those who will come after us. Therefore, may we be the positive role models that younger women and girls look to for love, guidance, and nurturing.

May we cherish the past and present moments that have molded and shaped the women that we have become: The young and aged ones of us who see through the eyes of others. For those who are the pillars to raise up others, The Lord has provided us with scriptures to remind us of our purpose and ministry to fulfill while we reside on this side. May we take a minute to pause, praise, and thank The Lord for making us with the attributes that gives us the innate protective instincts to shield our children whether biological, adopted, or just those who we are blessed to know. Regardless, of the connection, we should take some time to examine ourselves to make sure that we are sowing wisely into young people.

"The aged women likewise, that they be in behavior as becometh holiness, not false accusers, not given to much wine, teachers of good things; That they teach the young women to be sober, to love their husbands, to love their children, To be discreet, chaste, keepers at home, good, obedient to their own husbands, that the word of God be not blasphemed." [Titus 2:3-5]

I pray that women will appreciate each other, not envying, not criticizing, not competing with each other, but lifting up with the Grace of God's Love. This is our time to make a difference as shining stars to unify together in The Body of Christ to be the encouragers and examples to help other women who are searching for their identities and their voices in this ever changing world we live in. I am grateful to have had many influential women in my life who helped me along the way. Of course, my beloved Mother (she was only 74 years old) who passed away 26 years ago on Mother's Day weekend is the one I owe everything to in becoming the woman I am today. I have held onto her teachings and have passed down to my Daughter, Granddaughter, and other young women. I was also blessed to have Aunts (especially my Aunt Hazel who passed away at the age of 92 in 2019; she was like a Mother to me after I lost my Mom) and Spiritual Mothers who have all passed away. I cherish each memory of these women and they live on with me each day of my life.

May The Lord's Blessings be upon all Women, not just on Mother's Day Weekend, but everyday of your life. Remember to make your living memorable with good things to pass down that will live on after your assignment has been completed on planet Earth. Therefore, knowing that everlasting life will welcome us to be a part of those women who await us joining them and having an eternity of celebrating and praising The Lord together.

With much Love and Appreciation, Dr. Joni A. Kindell, Apostle in The Will of God

"Favour is deceitful, and beauty is vain: but a woman that feareth the LORD, she shall be praised." [Proverbs 31:30]

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